Radio Mast Remote Encoder Management allows you to remotely control, monitor, and configure Rocket Broadcaster installations.
By linking a Rocket Broadcaster installation to your account, you can see the status of Rocket Broadcaster, toggle broadcasting, and update its stream settings without being in the same location as the computer that is running Rocket Broadcaster.
Remote Encoder Management is designed to help broadcast engineers maintain large installations of Rocket Broadcaster. By being able to remotely monitor and reconfigure Rocket, you may be able to save a middle-of-the-night trip to the studio during an incident, or save yourself playing phone tag to reconfigure encoders across a large geographic region.
The screenshot below shows a Rocket Broadcaster installation that's linked
to a Radio Mast account. You can see the status of individual streams,
the VU meters, current metadata, and can start/stop the broadcast.
Additionally, you can deploy the stream settings for any streams you've
added to your Radio Mast account to Rocket Broadcaster (even if they're
hosted with a 3rd party).