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Radio Mast Streaming Network

Streaming Audio Delivery for Radio Broadcasters

Find out why streaming radio is better with Radio Mast.

1 Better Reliability

Our 99.99% Uptime SLA is industry-leading. Stream online with the confidence that you're being heard.

2 Lower Delay

Our low-latency audio streaming delivers live audio from you to your listeners with down to 4 seconds of delay.

3 Higher Quality

Our optimized servers and smooth streaming technology reduces jitters and dropouts for your listeners.



1 Better Reliability

Our unique architecture keeps you on the air, with a 99.99% Uptime SLA.

Monthly Uptime Percentage Infographic

How we do it

Replicated Streams

Every stream on the Radio Mast Streaming Network is replicated and served across multiple streaming servers, ensuring your radio station keeps getting heard even in the event of hardware failure.

Replicated Streams Graphic

2 Lower Delay

Low Latency Audio Streaming

With latencies as low as 4 seconds, Radio Mast is optimized for live radio and events. Low delay keeps your live radio in the here and now.

Latency / Audio Delay Comparison Between Radio Mast and Icecast, SHOUTcast, and HLS

Our Approach

We used our experience building the most popular streaming audio encoder to build our own innovative new streaming server software for Radio Mast.

Our unique software delivers your streaming audio with more stability and less jitter than Icecast or Shoutcast-based solutions. It also dramatically lowers our streaming audio latency, with audio latencies up to 10x lower than other streaming audio CDNs.

We provide all this and more while staying Icecast-compatible, so you can use your existing encoder or radio automation to broadcast.


3 Higher Quality

Less Jitter and Dropouts

Our streaming servers and embedded player widget are optimized to lower jitter and dropouts in your audio, providing a distraction-free experience for your listeners.

High Quality Codecs

Radio Mast fully supports the high quality AAC and AAC+ codecs, so you can deliver the best possible quality audio to your listeners.




Pay for only the listener capacity you need.
Starting at $35/month.